Welcome to Our Church Community
We believe that by revealing himself in Christ, God has made the power of his spirit available to every person, regardless of background or life situation. If you’re looking to experience the power of the Holy Spirit, or to use your gifts to serve others, Arlington United has a place for you!
Sundays at 2:30 PM
We gather every Sunday to experience the warmth of God’s love and the transformative power of His Spirit. We can’t wait to connect with you and welcome you into our church family.

We are committed to sound biblical teaching that holds us accountable to God’s Word and His Will for our lives.
We strive to cultivate an atmosphere of worship where God feels welcome and His presence is evident. At Arlington UPC, we encourage expressive worship as a sincere response to God’s greatness and love.
At Arlington UPC, we are brothers and sisters in the Kingdom of God, united in love and faith. Like the first-century church, we believe in worshiping together, building meaningful friendships, and drawing strength from our unity in the Body of Christ.
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We look forward to connecting with you soon!